Happy Valley knows how to party.
I mean... damn. Damn! I count no less than 73 thirty packs in this photo. That's not including the beers in their 'coolers'. Damn. Anyone wish they'd gone to a football-obsessed Big 10 school?
Sports thoughts from under the Lateral...
Let's say there are 74 visible 30 packs, plus the 250 beers or so in each of their 'coolers'. That's 3000 VISIBLE beers in the picture!
Let's say they have 200 folks stop by, that's still an AVERAGE of 15 beers a person.
Let's hear it for Dav posting the first comments to his own posts. Here's to putting the first couple of bucks in your own blog "tip jar" to get the party started-- this Bud's for you Dav!
That much beer at a tailgate is amazing... but to put it in perspective the biggest party I was involved in at Wabash was 26 kegs, 4 trash cans full of "jungle juice" and 3 different upside down margarita shot stations for roughly 750 people. if you do the math that is:
26 kegs at 15.5 cases per keg works out to 390 cases, which is 9672 beers, so 13 beers per person before you factor in the other drinks.
My liver hurts just remembering those parties....
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