Why is everyone now noticeing Indians' TEAMWORK? It's how they got this far the whole year. 
it makes me a little queasy. Why? Because Joe Sixpack here writing under the nom de plume OkinawaMarine has just been published at a more prestigious media outlet than I ever have, and all that within forty minutes of getting out of bed, and the guy is most likely on his second beer.And let's talk about spelling. Where in Hell is the Ombudsman during all this? Le Ann Schreiber, get on the damn ball. I know our society is all about constant connectedness and armchair speculation, but for the love of God, let's at least put a spell check in there before you get your 15 minutes.
Also, I'd like to use this space to nominate Ian Frank as the official Norwood House Ombudsman. Vote in the comments section.
An actual quote up there right now:
"The Bosox lost, but after eight beers, a prime rib sandwich, potatoes and Sour Patch Kids, I am not so upset."
* — Good2BBostonian
All hail Web 2.0
As the first official act of my tenure as ombudsman, I would like to call out Mr. Hampton. In his haste to post, he forgot to include the 'e' in Anne, as in Le Anne Schreiber.
Let the games begin!
i'm donot now what a ombudsman are
Deadspin just poached this story too.
Matt, you are what's relevant now.
Dav, if this were ESPN, my "Who's More Now?" rating would be through the ROOF!
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