Clemens testimony to Congrefs includes a series of questions about how, on a certain occasion, possibly more than once, people in his clubhouse noticed that his ass was bleeding through his uniform pants. To wit:
From the blog of the formerly mustachioed Jayson Stark:
11:41 a.m. ET
Curt Schilling had the bloody sock. Roger now has the bloody pants.
Rep. [Tom] Davis reported that McNamee had testified that Mike Stanton once noticed that Clemens was bleeding through his dress pants -- which caused him to start carrying band aids around, presumably for his bleeding butt. Yikes.
Prompting the following surreal exchange:
Davis: "Mr. Clemens, do you recall bleeding through your pants in 2001?"
Clemens: "I do not."
End Quote.
So the duly elected representative (Republican) of Virginia's 11th Congressional District —who will not be seeking re-election — spent this morning asking the Rocket if he remembered his ass bleeding seven years ago. At which point Clemens maintained that he didn't.
I have decided that Roger is the liar here. He has more to gain from lying than McNamee does, in my estimation, and more to lose if the truth is damning. Because at this point, if he falls on his sword, he only does it to try and reduce his perjury penalties, and really he's even gone past THAT point of no return.

Three points for discussion amongst the group:
1) After all this, and the possible fallout in which anything could happen to Clemens including jail time, will he still beat Pete Rose into the Hall of Fame? Will he get in there ever?
2) What tarnishes his legacy more, the fact that he took steroids, or the fact that he straight-up, bald-face, lied directly into a camera about it, then did so again under oath, AFTER he was caught?
3) Who benefits most from Clemens being hung out to dry?
My submissions:
1) I think at this point, he doesn't beat Pete in, cause he gets stuck on the outside with him for eternity.
2) I can forgive someone for cheating if they're at least somewhat remorseful once they get nailed, but I don't sense that from Rog (or from Pete Rose, frankly), and that just makes them seem like they think they're above the law. So to Hell with that.
3) I don't think anyone is as happy about these ridiculous proceedings as Barry Bonds. For the time being, at least.
On an unrelated topic that does not deserve its own post, I've just discovered that one of our non-roster invitees to Spring Training is non-other than noted "fuckin' pedophile" Craig Wilson.
I just think Clemens is a big dumb idiot who has never had anyone question his words before. Based on the arrogance of some of the superb atheletes in my high school, I can only imagine how big headed the Rocket was, and how little he probably had to do to get buy. And I think Rose is the exact same way. They are both just good old boys who always got their way and they are legitimatley too dumb and too convinced of their own superiority to accept that their beliefs and statements are not unquestionally believed.
I thik both of them should be in the hall of fame, along with Big Mac and Palmero and Sosa and everyone from this steroids era who has the numbers (that is a different discussion altogether). But I understand the point to the contrary.
I just think these guys are too dumb to understand the consequences.
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