The Milwaukee River is slowly thawing and once again it appears time for me to suggest that Flip do a bunch of work and set up fantasy baseball.
Though I may be much maligned for this, I suggest that we use a league where you only have to update your lineup once a week. While the everyday adjustments may prove who is the best manager, I think it just causes people to lose interest after a couple months (namely me...which accounts for my meteoric rise, and equally meteoric plummet last year). As usual, I suggest that Flip figure out a way to solve this problem. Either way, I'm in.
And Dave, if you can do some weekly in depth analysis (charts, graphs, sabermetic calculations) and post them on a weekly basis, that would be great. Frankly, I just don't have enough stuff to check when open up Firefox.
Oh, and I also suggest that we organize some sort of "Winter Meetings" in Pinehurst, where, in Don Corleone fashion, Moe must accept any trade proffered on his son's wedding day.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
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I am going to set up the league, But I have a question that I need everyone in the league to respond to ASAP. Should we limit the membership to Norwoodhouse members and few extra (Moe, Martin, Flip, Ian, Phil, Dave, Mike, Matt) or open it up to a bigger league. and if we keep it to 8, should we limit to an NL or AL only league, or keep everyone in it?
I have set it up, I can make changes up until the day of the draft which is in 10 days. We will miss the first week of the season, but that is the only Day the coaches in the building do not have a game. Also, draft is at 11pm because that is the only time i could get it that isn't in the middle of the day.
check your e-mail for the sign up info.
Does everybody even want to play? It seems like every year we have a draft and then nobody checks their teams the rest of the year.
I think if we keep it to 8 we will do a better job of checking, because the 8 of us check TNH enough that we should be able to check our baseball.
and if we make it a weekly posting forum on TNH then maybe we will have added interest.
I'm telling you...weekly roster updates will keep people more interested.
I also agree that we should stick to TNH members.
the problem with weekly roster updates is if someone gets hurt, or someone misses a start, your whole week is shot.
or, if you miss the update period on Monday, then you can't change all week. Whereas if you can update whenever you want you can replace players a week in advance and set a weeks worth of changes on one day and still only check your team once a week. I never checked my team more than 2-3 times a week, and changed the players even less and I have always done pretty well
yeah that was posted by me
That's really disappointing. I was about to give your future wife HUGE props.
Yeah, your wedding present was going to get $100 more expensive if that was actually Johanna.
Sadly though, because of your admission, you're getting the microwave movie-theater style popcorn that I already purchased.
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