Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Windy City

As I was in Chicago for a conference, I decided to take in a baseball game at the Friendly Confines. Finding great seats and a pair of Old Styles, a colleague and I sat in for a perfect summer evening contest. I called E-on, and he warned, "Hey, you might want to watch out, there's a bad storm arriving in an hour." Literally 59 minutes later, the grounds crew came out and covered the field. What happens next was legendary. Universally agreed as the worst storm to hit Wrigley since Lucky Charlie Weegham broke ground on the park in February 1914. Enjoy the above video for a taste of the terror.


E-on said...


I think we have a first.

Incontrovertible video evidence to back up a Badanes story. There will be no T-Flo.

I just wish I had decided to go.

Hampton, Matthew A said...

Yeah, bad call Ian.

My only question for Dav: Did you stay to see the Slip and Slide Elvis?

Flip said...

leave it to a bunch of alchohol laden Cubs fans to totally misinterpret the severity of the situation.

I particularly like the rendition of 'Take me out to the ball game' towards the end of the video, priceless.