Monday, November 17, 2008

An intriguing possibility...


If you take a gander at the standings at the Big East and the ACC, there exists the makings of a great weekend at the end of December.

Currently, UC sits atop the Big East while Florida State is battling for supremacy in the ACC's Atlantic Division. Should the right combination of events occur, they could very well meet in the Meinieke Car Care Bowl in Charlotte, NC at 1PM on December 27th.

Hmmmm...who do I know that is either a college football fan, a UC enthusiast, a Seminole fan, or a new resident of the greater-Charlotte metro area?

Tickets look to start at about $40. Set your mind abrewin' on it.


E-on said...


UC could shock the world and play in the Orange Bowl. Then Flip and I (and hopefully Moester) can root WITH Hampton against those heathens from "The U." (as predicted by

Flip said...

If UC out Wandstats, Wandstat then I will be hosting the biggest UC tailgate south of the Mason Dixon line ever.

Pitt and Wandstat each have a history of pooping the bed in big situations like this so I'm just sayin' (do not want to jinx anything ala K-Mart 1999)

But if Brian Kelley has any hope of getting a top level job or still being in contention next year when both Charlie Weiss and Rich Rodriguez get canned then he better either make it to the Orange Bowl or win the Car Care bowl, so for his sake I hope they beat Pitt.

Hampton, Matthew A said...

much as I would love to attend a game like that (and I would), The idea of putting THOS and the Moester Coaster into a rumpus room somewhere and watching the hilarity that ensued is almost too much to pass over.

If FSU and UC meet in some kind of bowl-event, my preference would be to just pack us all into a tiny room with a 9 inch black and white television and see who lives through the entire game.