Friday, November 14, 2008

Melrose Place

In case you forgot, hockey is still being played at a professional level in the United States. In fact, on New Year's Day the Friendly Confines will host the Blackhawks and Red Wings (if anyone is interested I'd be willing to explore this more).

But I was deeply troubled when I learned today that Barry Melrose was fired after 14 games as the head coach in Tampa Bay. While I suspect that it was mullet-related, I have to ask: How bad could it have been after only FOURTEEN GAMES!? They were 4-5-1 in their last 10 games. And for those who remember the first Mighty Ducks, that means you're only inches away from being 6-2-1 or 7-3-0. WTF?

As someone who now works in labor relations, I have to say this is ridiculous. What kind of message does this send about job seccurity? Granted, the role of a hockey coach is mystifying to me, but I know that Scotty Bowan was worshipped like a god. What did he do so right and Mr. Party in the Back do so wrong?

Can anyone shed some light on this?

1 comment:

Flip said...

Hockey coaches have less job security than Notre Dame head coaches. Melrose is the 4th head coach to be fired already this year in the NHL.

I am not sure why this is the norm, but there is a sense that in Hockey if the players are not responding to your message then it is time to get a new face and voice.

The Lightning were one of the best teams in hockey last year and won Lord Stanley's cup just before the strike 4 years ago. So I figure the owners thought they should be better than .500.

even melrose said he saw the writing on the wall.