"I cannot stand the Buckeyes. ... It's amazing to hear what those guys think about that university and what they think about that football program and Tressel and all the crap I gotta put up with being back there."
So who's the face of the team now? Nobody can stand 85, Carson has maligned the Bucks and T.J. is a secret muslim (he was educated in an Indonesian madrassa! That may have been someone else).
Run, that knee's got to feel better by now, boy, run!
Do we think this is all that damaging? I think it is if they keep losing.
I don't think hating Ohio State Fans is a bad thing, the percentage of OSU and Bengals fans is probably less than OSU and Browns fans, or even OSU and Pittsburgh fans, Most people in Cincy think OSU is annoying anyway.
and do you honestly think some redneck from Cheviot is going to give up his Bengals season tickets because Carson doesn't like OSU,
don't answer that
Well, it would certainly increase the number of Slim Jims he can buy.
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