Thursday, February 5, 2009

Uh oh.

Danny Graves got traded for flicking off the crowd, so I'm not sure what the southern Ohio response to cruising around the Dominican Republic with a gun in your car is. Slap on the wrist? I'd say the average Reds fan probably has a gun in their car anyway, if not a full-on gun rack.

Since this was not shot in the U.S. (presumably) there's not really any legality issues, right? I wouldn't be surprised if he had a clause in his contract which stated "Do not appear in any Spanish language rap video teases" and, perhaps more importantly "do not fiddle with any firearms, especially with your pitching hand." Though to his credit, he only actually touches the gun with his left hand.

Can we start this season, already? I'm dying to see us flounder around fourth place for 6 months before finally dying.