Wednesday, May 21, 2008

For what it's worth...

Congrats Flip and Mikey!

Brentsville made Newsweek's list of the top 1300 high schools in America.

It was 684.

Interestingly enough, Mariemont was left off that list. Even more interestingly Glen Este made the cut. GLEN ESTE! Remember, it was were you had to play basketball on that linoleum floor in their cafeteria. It wasn't even a cafenasium OR a gymatorium. It was just the cafeteria!

I expect you to do something about this Michael.


Phil said...

Come on Ian. You're better than this.

Mariemont rank the last three years:

2006- 1,023
2007- 580
2008- 449

The search function is everyone's best friend.

You didn't think we could really be behind Glen Este, did you? Interestingly, though, Mariemont continues to place well behind CHL rivals Indian Hill and Wyoming.

E-on said...

I am so sorry. I searched Cincinnati and I didn't see it.

Today I'm a proud Warrior.

PS. What was the hiring/firing cycle between '06 and '07? A Celtics like turnaround.

Phil said...

Because one of my roommates happens to be plugged into the Mariemont educational scene, I was able to gather some more evidence on the topic.

Apparently, the rankings are a bit skewed, at least in terms of Mariemont's performance relative to Wyoming and IH. According to my roommate, Wyoming and IH pay for all students to take the AP exams, thus ensuring the overwhelming majority will take them, resulting in a very large percentage of graduating seniors who took the test (the sole basis for this ranking). Mariemont, on the other hand, has no such policy. Therefore, they are at a disadvantage for these rankings (a gripe Mariemont administrators voiced to Newsweek that went ignored).

So there you have it.