Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Perils of Live TV

I realize that this clip is all over the Internet, but it must be shared here.

As Berm can attest, it's hard to find good help.


Flip said...

I kept waiting for him to give the guys cawling under the camera knicknames, or make some obscure reference to people nobody under the age of 40 recognises..... although I think that clip makes me like Chris Berman a little... not much, but a little.

E-on said...

This is not surprising to me at all.

Hampton, Matthew A said...

I like that he said "I can't believe what I just saw," in reference to the people walking on set. It's like the person ducking under the camera was taking an interception into the endzone.

Also, was that can a Coors Light or a Diet Coke? I say you don't deserve the nickname "Boomer" if you drink anything other than alcohol on set.