Tuesday, October 14, 2008

True. Good point...

Found this at the bottom of Bill Simmon's mail bag:

Q: Shouldn't Elizabeth Perkins have faced statutory rape charges in "Big"?
-- Chuck D., Clifton Park, N.Y.

SG: Absolutely. The rules are explicit here -- if you have consensual sexual relations with anyone not legally old enough to consent to such behavior, it's statutory rape regardless of whether they turned themselves into an adult by making a wish to a Zoltar machine. Perkins' character worked with Josh Baskin (the Tom Hanks character) in New York City when the age of consent was 15 years old. Well, Baskin was only 13 at the time. So there you go.


Hampton, Matthew A said...

Did anybody else just stop reading Simmons after his hiatus? Honestly, he used to be a must read for me on Thursdays, at minimum, but I can't remember the last time I read even half of one of his columns.

And yes, I always thought it was creepy that Tom Hanks and Elisabeth Perkins do it in that movie.

Flip said...

I think he has been resting on his laurels and is writing about Boston Sports or living in LA about 75% of the time instead of only 25% of the time when he was still trying to attract readers.

Maybe he is taking mailing it in lessons from Rick Reiley?

Hampton, Matthew A said...

Yeah, I think it's like a lot of writers and filmmakers — the worst thing that can happen to them is success. I think Boston being a dominant sports town made Simmons unreadable.