Wednesday, October 17, 2007

This just feels more racist than the logo.

Indians Fans
  • AP Photo/Tony Dejak
Am I wrong? It's like if there was a baseball team called the Brooklyn Black Guys and my roommate and I showed up to the game looking like Amos and Andy.
Not that I have a leg to stand on as a Seminoles fan, but this here just seems more egregious.


Dav said...

Deadspin completely agrees with Matt.

They just scooped his story.

Wonder how long it will be before ESPN takes the picture down.

Hampton, Matthew A said...

I have to correct your terminology there, Dav.

Technically, I scooped them.

When someone takes a story later we journalists refer to it as "poaching."

Those Deadspin bastards will pay for what they've done. Think of the income I've lost!

E-on said...

AHHH! I am SOOO glad someone else thought that too. I kind of couldn't believe that Fox even cut to these guys during the broadcast and then ESPN goes on to put it right up front. How could they not see that!!!??

This one is right up there with that KFC commercial where the black family (with no father present mind you) is eating fried chicken. I don't care what your market research maybe be telling you. How do you not catch that!!??